1-Phase Lateral Voltage Stabilizer | Prime 10 kVA | 60-250V | China
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Voltage stabilizer PRIME SVC-D10KVA 72-250V for single-phase AC networks. The device is designed to provide high-quality power supply to groups of consumers with a total capacity of up to 10 kW.
PRIME SVC-D10KVA 72-250V of Chinese production has good technical characteristics and low cost, which makes this appliance a very popular solution to the problem of instability of the supply network.
The principle of operation of the stabilizing device is electromechanical. Its main components are an autotransformer with a slider controller, a servo motor and an electronic control unit. When the input voltage deviates from the set parameter, the electronics instantly calculates the movement of the slider and gives the command to the servo.
The motor shifts the contactor to the desired turn of the autotransformer winding, which compensates for the drop (or surge) of the input voltage. As a result, the voltage at the output of the stabilizer remains stable. The stabilization speed of the device is at least 10 V/sec.
The device is allowed to be used indoors at temperatures from +1 to +40 ° C and relative humidity up to 80%. The warranty is 1 year.
For more information about the product, please check with the seller by contacting him by phone +99871 200-18-00
1-Phase Lateral Voltage Stabilizer | Prime 10 kVA | 60-250V | China reviews
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