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Sockets: classification and purpose

One of the main elements providing access to the power grid is an outlet. But not everyone knows where to buy this product on favorable terms. Online Store It offers not only a wide range of products with fast delivery, but also regular promotions and sales. The company's website provides all the necessary information, including price list, specifications, as well as the cost and photo of the product.

Today it is not so easy to choose and buy electric sockets, the price and range of which are very diverse. This is due to the multitasking of these elements of the electrical network. They may differ not only in appearance, but also in functional parameters.

The principle of operation and purpose of the device

You can buy sockets in Uzbekistan simply and quickly if you know what conditions it will be intended for. This device is understood as an electrical device, the main purpose of which is to connect electrical appliances to the network using a plug. It is impossible to imagine a residential or household space without an electrical outlet.

An outlet that the Schetchik online store offers to at a bargain price, has the following design:

  • a support is a connecting element between the wall and the outlet itself;
  • housing and insulator;
  • protective front panel;
  • a frame that gives the product an aesthetic appearance.

The main thing in the outlet is the rated current. With this parameter, it will work for the declared service life. The standard types are designed for electricity in 10-16 A, that is, to provide electricity to devices of no more than 3 kW. Violation of these parameters during use can lead to a reboot and, as a result, an emergency situation.

Buying sockets in Tashkent: what are the varieties

The online outlet store offers an assortment. The website provides full information about the product, including the following characteristics:

  • type;
  • connector;
  • brand;
  • colour;
  • the cost of sockets.

In turn, you can buy an electrical outlet with or without grounding. In every living room there is enough equipment (electric stoves, washing machines, etc.), for which grounding is simply necessary, it protects electrical appliances and people from the influence of current.

It is quite easy to buy goods on the online store's website, because the outlet catalog is located in the "Electrics" in a separate block. For the convenience of users, there is a filter that will help sort products according to the following parameters:

  • title;
  • price;
  • sales hits;
  • Customer evaluation;
  • date of addition;
  • product availability.

Also in the catalog of the online store there is a good selection of switches that can be selected in tandem.

Types of electrical outlets

One of the most common types of sockets are built-in, there are also overhead and portable ones. Each country has its own standards for the use of electricity at the legislative level. They are distinguished by the type of connector, as well as functionality and purpose. Based on this, you can buy the following electrical outlets:

  • television;
  • for digital or analog signal;
  • computer;
  • for charging portable and mobile devices;
  • phone numbers.

In Tashkent and throughout Uzbekistan, you can buy an electrical outlet of connector C, I, voltage 220 V, AC frequency 50 Hz. This type of connector is the most common, but it also has another name — a euro socket. It consists of two round contacts. As a rule, old samples do not have grounding, but new ones already have it. The standard I has 3 contacts, 2 of which are installed at an angle, and the third vertical one is a grounding element.

The socket, the cost of which is low, performs an important function, therefore it is necessary to consciously approach the choice of the device.

In addition, sockets can be ordered depending on the installation feature:

  • built-in;
  • invoices;
  • double ones.

There is also an electric smart socket, which is recommended to buy for powerful electrical appliances. It has a built-in protective shutdown device, which is triggered in case of excess voltage and an emergency situation.

If you do not know where to buy sockets, visit the online outlet store in Tashkent. Goods are delivered throughout the territory of Uzbekistan.

How much does an outlet cost in an online store

Sockets to buy online today is absolutely safe with . All the goods that are in stock have quality certificates and warranty. Regular discounts and sales are no less attractive for buyers. The price of electrical outlets varies in a different range depending on the type, brand and other parameters.

The online store's outlet catalog has more than 30 items. If there is a difficult situation with the choice, you can always seek help from a specialist. All contact information can be found on the official website The delivery of orders is carried out as quickly as possible, and when ordering goods for a certain amount it will be free of charge.

Ordering sockets, which have been sold for several years, is simple and fast. Standard delivery in Tashkent is no more than 2 hours, within the region — 1-2 days. It is recommended to pick up bulky and expensive products by pickup, and you can also use the company's delivery service. Payment is accepted in cash, by bank transfer, PayMe and Click. You can also place an order in installments.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Какие бывают типы розеток и в чем их особенности?

Существуют различные типы розеток, включая одинарные, двойные, с заземлением, без заземления, а также розетки с USB-портами. Розетки с заземлением обеспечивают дополнительную безопасность, а USB-розетки удобны для зарядки мобильных устройств.

На что обратить внимание при выборе розетки для дома?

При выборе розетки важно учитывать тип подключения (с заземлением или без), максимальную нагрузку, материал изготовления и дизайн. Также важно, чтобы розетка соответствовала электрическим стандартам вашего региона.

Можно ли самостоятельно установить розетку?

Установка розетки требует определенных знаний и навыков. Если вы не уверены в своих способностях, лучше обратиться к квалифицированному электрику. Неправильная установка может привести к короткому замыканию или другим проблемам.

Какие существуют стандарты безопасности для розеток?

Стандарты безопасности для розеток включают наличие заземления, защиту от перегрузок и коротких замыканий, а также использование негорючих материалов. Важно, чтобы розетка имела соответствующий сертификат качества.

Как часто нужно проверять и обслуживать розетки в доме?

Рекомендуется регулярно проверять состояние розеток, особенно если они старые или часто используются. Признаками необходимости обслуживания могут быть перегрев, искрение или плохой контакт. В случае обнаружения проблем следует немедленно обратиться к специалисту.

Our address:
Address: 34, Ashrafi str., Tashkent | Landmark: Samarkand cafe, Yashnabad RES.
Opening hours: Mo-Fr, 9:00-18:00 | Sa-Su, 9:00-16:00
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