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">Address: 34, Ashrafi str., Tashkent | Landmark: Samarkand cafe, Yashnabad RES.Opening hours: Mo-Fr, 9:00-18:00 | Sa-Su, 9:00-16:00Log in / Sign up
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What kind of gas burner can I use

An important element of any furnace or gas boiler is a burner. The efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the heating equipment depends largely on its design. In various catering establishments, for example, in bakeries, you can find ovens equipped with a gas burner. It is also often used in boilers for heating baths, industrial enterprises. Similar devices are used in ceramic and other industries.

A professional gas burner is capable of providing fast heating with minimal fuel consumption. Such features are due to both the thoughtful design and the presence of an electronic automation unit that controls the quantity and quality of the gas mixture entering the nozzles. The price for such gas burners is slightly higher, but they are often chosen to equip high-performance heating equipment.

Such devices have a simpler design, however, according to their technical characteristics, they fully meet the modern requirements for products of this type. You can buy gas burners with an automation unit for installation in a bakery oven or under a cauldron. This will ensure rapid heating while maintaining the required temperature.

Another option is a tourist burner. This is the simplest option, allowing connection to a compact gas cylinder for cooking in nature.

Why it is advantageous to use gas burners

If a professional gas burner is installed, you can be sure of the stable operation of your equipment. Any model has a number of advantages:

  • Reduced heating costs.
  • The minimum amount of harmful emissions.
  • Stable and safe operation.
  • Reduced fire danger.
  • Automatic operation mode without user control.

The modern professional-class model is equipped with a system of sensors that control all the main operating parameters: the presence and composition of gas, ambient temperature, flame size, etc. This greatly simplifies the start-up of equipment. If you buy such a gas burner, you will not have to waste time lighting it, because pressing a button will be enough for this.

What does the cost of the model depend on?

If a gas burner is selected, then its cost depends on the complexity of the design. The model can be atmospheric or equipped with a boost system. In the first case, the gas is supplied to the injectors under its own pressure, in the second – forced supply is carried out using a special injection unit.

Supercharged gas burners are very popular in Uzbekistan because they have higher efficiency, are more economical, durable and reliable.

The supplier's pricing policy should also be taken into account. A fairly profitable option is the offer of our online store - you can order a professional gas burner from us at a low price.

Advantages of our service:

  • A good selection of equipment.
  • New furnace parts are always available.
  • A simple search for components (by name or code).
  • Reasonable price for all demanded goods (indicated on the website in Sumy).

Gas burners are being sold in Tashkent. Delivery to any other region of Uzbekistan is also possible, including such settlements as Samarkand, Namangan, Andijan, Nukus, Bukhara, Ferghana, Karshi, Kokand, Margilan, Navoi, Almalyk.

If you need a gas burner in Tashkent, you can quickly buy it with delivery to the specified address by choosing one of the models available for sale. You can also find out on the website how much a particular burner for the oven costs.

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Да, многие из печей, представленных на нашем сайте, поставляются с гарантией производителя. Информацию о гарантии можно найти на странице каждого продукта.

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Для оформления заказа на печь просто перейдите на страницу продукта, выберите необходимую модель и следуйте инструкциям оформления заказа.

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Our address:
Address: 34, Ashrafi str., Tashkent | Landmark: Samarkand cafe, Yashnabad RES.
Opening hours: Mo-Fr, 9:00-18:00 | Sa-Su, 9:00-16:00
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